Federal Constitution

The Article 6 of the Federal Constitution says ' ' they are right social: the education, the health, the work, the housing, the leisure, the security, the social welfare, the protection to the maternity and infancy, assistance to desamparados' ' , but these social rights, the State does not obtain to supply the population in general, because it will be? In Brazil a great difference of income distribution exists, where the minority of the population has much money and the great majority has much little; the ones that has much are part also of the population, that I eat all have the same rights offered for our Constitution, that 5 says in its article ' ' that all are equal before lei' ' , but the difference is that the minority of the society, that is richest, when the State does not fulfill with its paper of offering &#039 to it; ' segurana' ' , for example, that it is a right, them they go to a private company, and obtain to pay for this right, this it means that the private company, it offers a right foreseen for the Brazilian constitution, but since that it is remunerated, this means that, if the State not to offer to the right the security, foreseen in the Constitution, the majority of the population, who are people of low incomes, these do not go to have the right the security, therefore they do not possess remuneration to pay a private company, and are the grace of the unreliability, losing its freedom, that is one of the rights foreseen by the Constitution, in Brazil the good people is imprisoned, in arrests domiciliary, therefore cannot leave its domiciles due the unreliability, and the outlaws are imprisoned in public candeias, supported for the prisoners domiciliary, who we are. When we say, in the right the health, the situation is still worse, therefore the constitution guarantees to all this right, but in it practises what we see is a right that nobody has, a right that I eat the others, we have that to pay to have them, and as the majority of the population cannot pay is without, but that only different of the excessively right ones, the health is a right that if it becomes cruel, therefore the result of lacks of this is the death, already the death is a right that all have, not needing that nor a governor makes cumpriz it, therefore it is born of the descumprimento of the excessively right necessary life. . .