Month: <span>June 2018</span>

How to optimally prepare on an assessment Center Assessment Center (AC) are a widespread and popular staff selection procedures in large companies. While several participants are tested on one or even several days at the same time based on various tasks. The advantage of an assessment Center for the companies is that they can, see different facets of the applicant, and experience its behavior in practical situation themselves instead to get it just tells in an interview. Different tasks determine the assessment Center in an assessment centre can be divided roughly the exercises into two categories: individual and group tests. The individual tests are so individually tasks, where the candidate is independently tested by other candidates.

This can be for example a presentation on a given topic, or a post basket exercise must be prioritized in the a variety of tasks and information. Also include testing of analytical or logical skills, or skills to the individual tests. The group tests, however include interaction with other participants, or a supervisor of the ACs. The group discussion as well as the role-playing game belong to this type of task. In the group discussion must prevail participants with its position compared to the other AC the applicants and they convince with arguments. The difficulty is that the other participants are pursuing the same goal. In the role-playing game the applicant assumes the role of a supervisor or leading employee of the company, and must as a clarifying conversation with an employee lead, or negotiate with a customer. This involves also enforcement strength, but also empathy and communication skills.

Ideal preparation for an assessment Center through the multitude of tasks and the complexity of the assessment Center in the for many applicants, it is difficult to prepare yourself optimally. A comprehensive Assessmentcenter preparation requires that individual tasks as well as the important tasks of the groups will be trained. While easy exercise individual tasks the simulation of a group discussion is much more expensive. The assessment Center Academy offers a comprehensive training program for the optimal preparation for an assessment Center. All types of test are presented and describes what look for the observer in the assessment Center. There are tips on the solution of the tasks. For each type of task, there are exercises, candidates can test their skills and specifically for their recruitment exercise then. Tobias Meier Assessment Center Academy
