Message Divine Channeled Arrives

Luz channeled message: comes the christic energy…Remember, they are one with everything, they hanging by a fine thread. They must empty their own love hearts, so God fill them with his love (unconditional).Needed sacrifices for your lifting and these souls bring with them the pain of the selfishness of men, to remind you how much love is required and thus help in the elevation of your souls a new opportunity is approaching, depends on you SE required of MUCHO-MUCHO love in these times are now full to decide if they are still immersed in the confunsion of the Egotypical of the passions.Or if, cohere with love Incondicional.Estas souls offer in sacrifice suffered pain, in his earthly stay.Not as victims, but by choice, they displayed in their souls the cruelty of our indifference to the others.And it will be necessary that we evolucionemos spiritually as human group, and as a result, they were eleven even more. They are aware of your actions and the consequences makers decide what to choose.(pain: Ego;) Pain with uppercase: compassionate pain of the soul) be attached to your lower human passions, leads to pain. It’s a different time, there is no refuge in ignorance, no longer. A great test, is much needed love, a higher energy, much higher vibrations, of which sought to reach so far as purpose, through spiritual work, you were doing some. Many souls will arrive to Earth bringing the message of divine, Christly demonstrations, to help them unto you some mothers will be that your baby suffers from respiratory problems, without any apparent cause, however they will resort to all kinds of drugs, as if the symptom is physical, because not it could be neither understood medically as a psychophysical syndrome.Treatment should be another, give rise to the depuratorio to process the balance, harmony psychophysical and spiritual. As in silks, they may verify (the Vatican doctors thoroughly examined before officially certify) that nothing produces irreparable harm, or they are the product of the body or the psyche, are signs to interpret, manifesting christic energy signals. A new opportunity approaches, is the awakening of their dormant souls in you! .Mucho-mucho love is required in these times! Ducted by Graviviana S.(dia 28/12/2010) original author and source of the article.