TIFF Representation

Computers have evolved and continue to evolve as time passes. Over the same number of programs have increased because the needs of consumers have done the same way. This is because technology has no brakes and before, for example, the photos were black and white, we are asking for photos and color for each color a different color scale itself. The computer must be able to read, understand and be able to transmit that image as many times as you want. To do so, to process information, using the programs.
The program is run which makes the data consumers according to instructions that are provided in advance. The computer or read or store information that we send you the same way as we see it physically. Ie information is retained inside the computer through two values of a physical quantity (called a bit) that we commonly write with ones and zeros. In the entry and exit information, the computer is automatic code changes necessary to make the information on the outside is covered directly by users and the interior is quickly executable. To understand that, when we send the image from our camera (or other periferico different) to the computer, this becomes ones and zeros (bit patterns) and thus the computer can store in it. Each image or piece of information has a combination of ones and zeros, and when we want to regain it (if the image) and click on it-masters that the computer reads in combination to assign its day and is able to reproduce. The instructions in the programs and the computer as a whole works with the binary system of ones and zeros (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sistema binario). Now the problem that arises, then they can read the information, it’s like to realize or physical searches. The solutions are optical discs, magnetic tapes and other devices of this type but it is not the topic of discussion.
The representation of information in the computer has been one of the most important problems in computer science. This information today is divided into five fields, but it is possible that this number will increase soon as such are not represented today, sounds and yes. Therefore, the representation can be text, sounds, images, numerical values and instructions. We will focus on the representation of images but they all have as we said earlier, the basic principle of ‘becoming’ in ones and zeros.
If only we devote to the representation of images does not mean that others are less important or less are used. Mention that we will analyze the representation of static images and dynamic images that many images are linked together and, using a data compression process to which we will make a brief mention at the end.